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  • Writer's pictureCindy

We are moving with nature into a quiet and reflective season, a time to connect with spirit. Spirit can have any meaning that resonates with you, and your connection will also shift over time. As we venture into a season that promotes reflection, soul growth, and spirit connection we reach to the sky, like a tall tree. For the tree to grow so high, it must have the strong roots, deep into the earth. We have opportunities every day to connect with earth energy and groundedness -- it can come from being aware when you are doing everyday tasks like eating a meal, putting away dishes, housecleaning, or doing the laundry. These ordinary moments are the perfect time to practice awareness in your body, your movements, and thoughts.

Tools like meditation and yoga are versatile in that they can be applied in both the ordinary and extraordinary moments. Happy Thanksgiving, keep on practicing, and be well!

Tools like meditation and yoga are versatile in that they can be applied in both the ordinary and extraordinary moments.

Meditation while washing dishes:

  • Shift your mind to your feet and be aware of them inside the shoes or slippers and there is floor and eventually earth below them. Connect down to earth.

  • Bring your mind to breath and feel inhales and exhales. Draw earth energy up your body to heart.

  • Be aware of hands in the soap water. Feel the temperature, and feel the sensation of the objects you touch as you wash them.

  • Place the objects in the drying rack with intention and gratitude for how they help you everyday.

  • Writer's pictureCindy

October is a very special month. Its colors make it impossible to ignore nature, its crisp wind makes us feel simultaneously invigorated and looking for a cozy blanket. On the last day of October 2020, nature is giving us a special treat (we had enough tricks this year) ... the Blue Hunter's Full Moon. Each month's full moon has a name, and October's full moon is called the Hunter's Moon. The Blue Moon means that it is the second full moon of the month. October 2020 is bookended by full moons, the first full moon was on October 1 (named the Harvest Moon because it is closest to the autumn equinox).

October 31 is, of course, Halloween, or Samhain ("Sow-in"). Many cultures and spiritual paths that track closely to nature and her cycles connect this day with "thinning of the veil," which means we can connect more closely with spirits of ancestors. It is a powerful time to pause, reflect, and release and to forge gratitude and healing to replace what you release.

I encourage you to make and schedule time on October 31 to connect inward and identify something to release and replace it with specific gratitudes. Step out and gaze at that full moon. Halloween might be different this year, but challenge yourself to make "different" something extra special.

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