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  • Writer's pictureCindy

In yoga class, you may hear a teacher talk about setting an intention for yoga practice and taking it off the mat to live a life with mindfulness. You cultivate the seed of your intention by bringing your attention and focus back to it repeatedly. The next step is to be open and aware so that you notice the intention is coming to fruition. Perhaps your intention to keep your inner cool shows it is manifesting when you realize that you patiently waited in the slowest line at the grocery store despite being late for an appointment. Noticing it is an opportunity to be grateful and proud of the work you have done! Like a plant seed needs water, sunlight, nutrients, and time, your intention grows with your loving energy, positivity, attention, and the most challenging ingredient: trusting the process as it unfolds.

  • Writer's pictureCindy

As we move towards the Winter Solstice, there is an underlying current of turning inward, which runs deeper than the busyness of the season. It is important to give yourself the scheduled time to reflect, have quiet space, and connect with that deeper current in yourself.

Moving with the cycles of nature, our bodies and minds are asking us to shift towards quiet, move more slowly, crave more time to listen to intuition.

When you make the time to sit and meditate or reflect and journal, ask yourself what you no longer need and set an intention to shed and release it. This is a powerful time of year to do so. It makes space for what will come into your life when the cycle takes us to light again.

  • Writer's pictureCindy

~ November Haiku ~

Leaves tumble, scatter Exhaling summer; moon rise Give thanks, nourish soul

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